SANP Field Event
Bears, Birds, and Butterflies
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Leader: Dale Potter Phone: (865) 773-8114 E-mail:
Meeting place: Cades Cove Ranger Kiosk, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Time: 6:45 am
Registration available: Beginning today
This is a chance to see if we are lucky enough to find bears, birds, or butterflies. The Cove has had plenty of bears out chasing cherries but most of them are gone. It is too early for them to be chasing acorns or walnuts. Maybe we will find them but the odds may be like winning the lottery.
We will walk the admin trail and depending on the time we may venture on some other trails. We will walk about 5 miles. Make sure to bring water to stay hydrated.
Bring bug spray for whatever bugs we may encounter from ticks to chiggers. Hopefully no mosquitoes like those in Yellowstone last week.
No guarantees on finding any of the 3 B's but you may have an enjoyable experience with your fellow photographers.
Location Description:
Cades Cove fields
You may want to wear long pants as you will be in the grass and other weeds unless you use sufficient bug spray.
Due to limit parking, we will take as few cars as possible into the Cove.
Pull into the parking spaces at the Kiosk and we will determine who is driving.
Learning opportunities:
Bring the lens you want to use. A telephoto lens may be handy. A macro lens might be useful for some of the spider webs or other insects along the admin trail.
What to bring:
- Your favorite camera. No doubt it will be a Canon.
- Your fastest lens will give you more opportunities to get a good background.
- Bring appropriate weather gear.
- Tripod or monopod may be useful.
- Rain gear for yourself and a rain cover for your camera in case we have rain. The weather is projected to be a nice morning.
- Bring WATER.... SNACKS
Remember to dress for the weather.
Driving directions: Cades Cove Ranger Kiosk, Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Restrooms: Cades Cove Picnic area and lots of other unisex options.
How to Find Me: Green Subaru Outback