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  • Field Event - (New Date) Milky Way Evening - Nemo Bridge

Field Event - (New Date) Milky Way Evening - Nemo Bridge

  • 09/03/2024
  • 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • Nemo Bridge in Obed Wild & Scenic River NRA


Registration is closed

SANP Field Event

Tuesday September 3, 2024

8 PM

Leader: Kelli Thompson   E-mail:    Ph: 865-406-7655

Meeting location: Nemo Bridge in Obed Wild & Scenic River NRA, 1855 Catoosa Road, Wartburg, TN

Registration available:  Beginning today 


We are planning a Milky Way evening at Obed with a field trip to Nemo Bridge in Obed Wild & Scenic River NRA just outside of Wartburg. The date has moved to Tuesday September 3, 2024 in hopes for a clear sky. (If that doesn't work next Saturday may be another possibility.) 

If you previously registered for the August 31 event, please re-register if you are able to attend on September 3rd.

We will set up beside the river and possibly in the river based on water flow so bring your mud boots.  We also can stagger shooting so that folks can shoot from the bridge as well.  The bridge is easy level (except a few gaps between spans) access. The river a little more adventurous especially in the dark.

The New Moon is Monday September 2, but the small size and setting/rising time of the Moon makes all of these dates from August 31 until September 7 ideal  for Milky Way photography and viewing. On September 3, the Milky Way begins at 9:30 with no moon.

We also hope to have some light painting options for the bridge as well.  This is a good opportunity to capture some photos you may enter in Obed’s Photo Contest in 2025 in the Night Sky category.

You may want to arrive early to capture some blue hour shots of the area,  so we are going to establish a start time of 8:00 p.m. If you plan to arrive later, just let me know.  You will need to sign up for a Backcountry permit to park your vehicle at Nemo Bridge parking area after sunset, and there is a link below and instructions for you to do so during the registration process.

What to bring:  

Camera with lens in the range of 14 mm – 30 mm.  You can always use a longer lens to capture close shots of the Milky Way, but for scenic shots, these lens usually a wide angle and/or your standard 24-70 mm at 24 will work.

A tripod is a must.  The exposures will ideally be 20 seconds each.  If you have a star tracker, bring it.  But it isn’t necessary.

You can use a remote trigger, but since your exposures will be less than 30 seconds each, you can set your camera on a timer at 20, 25 or 30 seconds. 

You will need to use manual mode focus because AF will not focus on stars.  There are several tips and tricks for getting your focus correct.

Mud boots if you want to wade out in the creek for shots.  Kelli Thompson will go do some scouting in the day for water flow, but if you want to get the bridge in your shots, mud boots are a must.  The shore and river are rocky and slick, and it will be dark.

Bug spray.

Food, snacks, water, etc.

A head lamp preferably with white and red options. 

We  will have some stronger white lights and maybe some other options to light the bridge.

Each person driving to the event will need to request a backcountry permit online using this link.  In these situations, I usually do it for several nights in a row so if there is cloud cover, you don’t have to apply again.

These permits are required for using Nemo at night since it is a day use area.  That way if there is a vehicle there, the rangers know to whom it belongs.

Here is a good guide for shooting the Milky Way.

Capture the Atlas publishes a handy Milky Way calendar each year, and we are in  the Southern Region.  Hang it by your desk so you  can glance at it and easily plan good times for shooting. 

How to find me:

I will be in a dark gray Land Rover.  Let's meet at 8 pm for blue hour and to get your bearings with light. We should be done by 11 pm.

Contacts:     Jerry Whaley, President       Julie Glibbery, Membership Manager       General Information

Southern Appalachian Nature Photographers is a nature and travel photography club located near the Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee.
Mailing address: 1143 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Ste 107A-231, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Background image copyright Dennis Sabo.    Sitemap    Privacy Policy

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