SANP Field Event
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Leader: Julie Glibbery Ph: 865-963-6824
Meeting location: Heritage Center Greenway Powerhouse Trail
Registration available: Beginning today
Description: This is a one mile trail in Oak Ridge. This greenway is known for a variety of birds, the marshland around the pond, dragonflies, along with various wildflower including water lilies. The trail is an easily walked loop. It is dry and fully accessible because of the lack of rain. There are deer, ducks and ospreys in the area, including several osprey nests. There is a post on the SANP Facebook page of the wildlife and flowers that I photographed on Saturday.
Learning opportunities: This is an excellent location to work on your technique using your macro or zoom lens in addition to your walk-around lens. A polarizing filter would be useful if you have one.
What to wear: Dress comfortably. Sunscreen and bug spray may be helpful, and of course, your SANP hat.
What to bring: You might want to bring water in addition to your camera gear.
Walking required: The amount of walking you do will be entirely up to you and how much exploring you want to do. You may find plenty to photograph in the first 1/8 mile.
How to find me: Black Ford Ranger
Driving directions: Use Google MAPS for the Heritage Center Powerhouse Trail. You should arrive at a gravel parking area at the Greenway trailhead entrance. You might also consider using the GPS coordinates. The location IS NOT well marked. I will send additional information to those who sign up.
GPS coordinates 35.915351, -84.399903
Directions from I-40 and Hwy 95 Junction: From I-40, go north on Hwy 95 for approximately 6.5 miles; stay left and exit onto Hwy 58 west (Gallaher Road); go west on Hwy 58 for approximately 3 miles; just before crossing the Clinch River bridge turn right to exit on to West Bear Creek Road; turn right at the junction with West Bear Creek road and the parking area is on the left in 100 yards.