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Southern Appalachian Nature Photographers

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  • Field Event - Heritage Center Greenway Powerhouse Trail

Field Event - Heritage Center Greenway Powerhouse Trail

  • 05/11/2024
  • 8:00 AM
  • Heritage Center Greenway Powerhouse Trail


  • Members and visitors are invited to register.

Field Event

Heritage Center Greenway Powerhouse Trail


Leader: Dale Potter    Phone:  (865)-773-8114      E-mail:

Meeting place: Heritage Center Greenway Powerhouse Trail

Registration available:  Beginning today 

Description: For some of us this is a new greenway that is about a mile loop in Oak Ridge. This greenway is known for the birds, the marshland around the pond, along with various wildflowers. The trail is an easily walked loop, but parts of the trail may be muddy.  There should be various ducks and ospreys in the area, including an osprey nest. We may have time to consider another greenway.  We will be exploring areas around this trail.

We will be looking for birds and other activity while exploring some of the other options in this area.

What to wear:  Dress comfortably. Sunscreen, hat may be beneficial.

What to bring:  Camera, Tripod, water, snacks, and whatever you need to be comfortable photographing around the trail and water.   

Walking required: The amount of walking you do will be entirely up to you and how much exploring you want to do.  

How to find me:  Red Jeep Wrangler

Driving directions:  Use Google MAPS for the Heritage Center Powerhouse Trail. You should arrive at a gravel parking area at the Greenway trailhead entrance. 

GPS coordinates 35.915351, -84.399903

Directions from I-40 and Hwy 95 Junction: From I-40, go north on Hwy 95 for approximately 6.5 miles; stay left and exit onto Hwy 58 west (Gallaher Road); go west on Hwy 58 for approximately 3 miles; just before crossing the Clinch River bridge turn right to exit on to West Bear Creek Road; turn right at the junction with West Bear Creek road and the parking area is on the left in 100 yards.

Contacts:     Jerry Whaley, President       Julie Glibbery, Membership Manager       General Information

Southern Appalachian Nature Photographers is a nature and travel photography club located near the Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee.
Mailing address: 1143 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Ste 107A-231, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Background image copyright Dennis Sabo.    Sitemap    Privacy Policy

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