Sandhill Cranes Hiwassee Refuge Area

Leader: Dale Potter Phone: (865) 773-8114 E-mail:
Meeting place: Birchwood Community Center, 5623 TN-60, Birchwood, Tn
Time: 7:00 am
Registration available: Beginning today
This is a visit during the Sandhill Crane Fesitival which will allow us to get closer to the cranes without using the observation deck with the tree in our way. You must ride the shuttle bus over from the Community Center.
If you want to eat breakfast at the community center, it starts at 7:00 am.
For details of the fesitival and the shuttle bus visit here. The buses start at 8:00 am and will continue throughout the day until 4:00 pm. You can stay as long as you like.
You can shoot in the morning. Go back to the community center on the bus for a break and then return in the afternoon to shoot some more. Last bus runs at 4:00 pm.
Bob Howdeshell recommends this event as a great way to get closer to the birds without all the obstacles. The sightseers will not stay long. Some of the other local photographers recommend this weekend as a great photo opportunity.
Hopefully, the water level will be up some from our last visit.
Location Description:
The Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge Area has the largest winter gatherings of the sandhill cranes in the southeast. In addition to sandhill cranes you may see some other birds of interest from eagles, herons, whooping cranes, ducks, pelicans, bluebirds, swans, or just the sandhill cranes.
Expect it to be chilly in the morning. Come prepared for the weather.
Learning opportunities:
On this outing you will have the opportunity to practice with birds in flight from a few to several at a time. You will have the opportunity to see the sandhill cranes while they are feeding. Up close and at a distance. A long zoom lens is best for sandhill cranes in flight.
Bring appropriate gear for the weather.
Driving directions: See directions to Community Center above.
Happy New Years, see you at the Crane Fesitival.