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Southern Appalachian Nature Photographers

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  • DIY Mat and Print Assembly

DIY Mat and Print Assembly

  • 10/03/2022
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Fountain City Branch Library, 5300 Stanton Rd, Knoxville, TN 37918


  • Members and visitors are invited to register.

Registration is closed

SANP Field Event

DIY Mat and Print Assembly

Monday, October 3rd 5:30 pm


Leaders: Dale Potter   Phone:  (865)-773-8114    E-mail:

Meeting place: Fountain City Branch Library, 5300 Stanton Rd, Knoxville, TN 37918

Registration available:  Beginning today 


After the last workshop about prints for the Salon there were requests for assistance on putting together a print.  For this event this is where you bring your print, mat board, and backing board to assemble your print so that you have personal experience for the print salon.

We must be out of the room at the library at 7:30 pm. You are welcome to stay the entire time or you may leave after your questions have been answered. For those that cannot be there at 5:30 pm, arrive as soon as you can as we will start with those that are there early and continue until we finish or until we have to leave.

This event will work best if you bring your own materials for putting together one print.  The materials that you bring need to be the Salon size image but does not have to be one you would enter in the Salon.  We will not be working on smaller images. We will not be using the PSX mounting board as it is too expensive for most to use for the Print Salon.  

DO NOT BRING ANY SPRAY GLUE OR RUBBER CEMENT.  We are using a room in the library at Fountain City which limits what we will be able to use.  While I do not recommend using either spray glue or rubber cement, some do on occasion.  

If you do not have a print, you are welcome to come and watch so that you will be familiar with the process.  

Bring your questions about the Print Salon and we will try and answer them. However, we will not be commenting on what we think about a print being entered in the Salon.  

Prints will be accepted from November 14 through the 23rd for the SANP Print Salon with judging in December and the winners revealed in January 2023.

Salon Prints

Prints must be sized between 80 square inches (minimum) and 252 square inches (maximum). (This maximum size is smaller than 16 x 20 inches). All prints must be mounted on a standard style mat board that is exactly 16 x 20 inches in size. Whether you use single or multiples mats, the mounting board must be 16 x 20 inches, and no adhesive may be exposed on the front, back, or edges of the mat boards. The photographer’s name must not be visible on the photograph or mounting/mat board when the print is viewed. The supplied SANP print entry form must be completed and attached to the TOP RIGHT corner of the back of the 16 x 20 inch mount board. Photo titles must not appear on the front of the mount board. Prints not meeting these requirements will not be accepted for the competition. Panorama images may be submitted in any category with the above dimension restrictions. (Note: Quality of mounting does influence the judges.)

Print images will be accepted in the 14 categories listed below. The first place winners from each of the categories will compete for Best of Show.

  1. Scenic — Photos of landscape, scenery, sky, oceans, or lakes taken in any part of the world. The broad scene is the dominant subject of the image.
  2. Birds — Photos of birds of all species. Birds in controlled conditions are allowed. Domesticated birds are NOT allowed.
  3. Wildlife (Mammals) — Photos of scientifically categorized mammals photographed in a natural setting. Examples include chipmunks, deer, bears, squirrels, and mice. Subjects in controlled conditions are allowed. Common pets and domesticated mammals are NOT allowed.
  4. Wildlife (Other Animals) — Photos of animals scientifically categorized as other than a mammal or a bird photographed in a natural setting. Examples include insects, spiders, caterpillars, reptiles, snails, crustaceans, amphibians, and fish. Subjects in controlled conditions are allowed. Common pets and domesticated animals are NOT allowed.
  5. Nature Close-up — A close-up nature photograph shows the detailed and intimate view of a small subject, or a small part of a larger subject, to reveal and examine significantly more detail than the human eye usually perceives. Rather than an expansive view, a close-up image often emphasizes the intricate details and textures to provide a closer perspective on the smaller characteristics of the subject.
  6. Plants — Images where the plant is the dominant subject, including plants, flowers, fungi, mosses, and lichens. Trees should be in this category if the tree itself, or a part of the tree, is the subject of the photo. Otherwise, trees as part of a landscape are in the scenic category.
  7. Night Photography — Images that capture nature outdoors at night (the period after sunset and before sunrise). The images can be a long exposure, time-lapse photography, light painting, or astrophotography. Cityscapes or non-nature subjects, when they are dominant, are NOT allowed.
  8. People in Nature — Images that express the joys and adventures of people doing activities in the natural landscape. Like the Scenic category, these images can include landscapes, seascapes, etc., but must also have at least one person doing something in the outdoors. Manmade objects are allowed. Examples are photographs of people kayaking on a river, people hiking, or people mountain climbing.
  9. Abstracts in Nature — Images of the natural environment that push the boundaries of creative expression through photography. This category is for creative compositions made in-camera and in-nature without unusual computer processing or manipulations.
  10. Great Smoky Mountains National Park — Nature photographs that are taken within the boundaries of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and meet the requirements of Salon categories 1 thru 9.
  11. Travel & Place 1 (travel images made in the region inside the Continental United States east of the Mississippi River) — Images that express the joys and adventures of travel, showcasing place as an essential part of the photo. Like the Scenic category, this category can include landscapes, seascapes, etc., but it must also include people, manmade objects, or other cultural subjects you might encounter while traveling. The main emphasis for photos in this category is that they express a sense of place.
  12. Travel & Place 2 (travel images made anywhere in the world excluding the region inside the Continental United States east of the Mississippi River) — Images that express the joys and adventures of travel, showcasing place as an essential part of the photo. Like the Scenic category, this category can include landscapes, seascapes, etc., but photos must also include people, manmade objects, or other cultural subjects you might encounter while traveling. The main emphasis for photos in this category is that they express a sense of place in the above area.
  13. Black and White Wildlife — Conventional B&W and infrared B&W images of subjects that fall within the guidelines of only Salon categories 2 through 4 (the wildlife categories).
  14. Black and White Other — Conventional B&W and infrared B&W images of subjects that fall within the guidelines for any of the allowed Salon categories except 2 through 4 and 13.


Please note: The following conditions apply to all photographs entered in all categories:

1.     All entries must be nature photographs, unless otherwise stated in the category description. The photograph’s main subject cannot be people, architecture, museum exhibits, trains, cars, common pets and domesticated animals, or other subjects that do not inherently occur in nature. These conditions do not apply to the Travel & Place and People in Nature categories.

2.     For all categories, except Travel & Place 1 and 2 and People in Nature, any evidence of man or his creations, when included, should not be the main focal point of the image but an incidental part of it.

3.     An individual cannot enter the same, or nearly identical, images in both the Digital and Print competitions in a given year. Images that have previously won first, second, third, or honorable mention awards in previous SANP Salon competitions are not eligible for entry in the current year’s Salon.

4.     Images submitted may be enhanced or changed using any of the tools available in a post-processing graphics editing program, except one cannot copy or significantly alter the primary subject or primary parts of the image in any way, nor can one import items from another image. High dynamic range (HDR), focus stacking, stitching, and other similar techniques are allowed. The intent of the original image must be maintained. Replacing the sky is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

5.     Number of Entries: Each SANP member may enter a maximum of fourteen (14)

prints. The maximum number of photographs that can be entered in any category is two (2).

6.     Titles:   To help track entries during the judging, each photograph must have a title that does not include your name. Untitled entries will be given an alphanumeric title by Competition personnel.

What to bring:  Something to take notes on.  A print, mat, and backing board.  


Contacts:     Jerry Whaley, President       Julie Glibbery, Membership Manager       General Information

Southern Appalachian Nature Photographers is a nature and travel photography club located near the Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee.
Mailing address: 1143 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Ste 107A-231, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Background image copyright Dennis Sabo.    Sitemap    Privacy Policy

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