Sponsor: Ron McConathy, mcconathy@aronsha.com, 865-387-8673 (mobile)
Location: The grounds within the boundaries of the UT Gardens, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN. Note: SANP members who live more than 65 miles (straight line distance) from the designated Location may go to a similar location near them (i.e., a public park or garden) on the specified Date and Time to make photographs to enter in this Challenge.
Time: Between 9am and 1pm
Maximum Number of Participants (5 minimum for judging): No maximum.
Purpose of this Challenge
This Photo Challenge is designed to let participants photograph flowers, landscaping, and structures at UT Gardens. Any applicable subjects allowed in the 2022 Salon can be photographed (see Salon 2022 for categories).
Challenge Procedure
You must register for this challenge if you want to submit images for judging. You will receive a registration confirmation. You may submit up to three images for judging, following the guidelines below for file naming, file size, and deadline. Before the images are posted to Zenfolio for judging, the Administrator will replace the Participant's name with an assigned Participant Number to help ensure image anonymity during the judging. If you have questions, contact Ron McConathy, mcconathy@aronsha.com.
If a Participant wants his/her images displayed on Zenfolio but not judged, that can be stated in the email with the submissions.
Note: Challenge image submissions will be posted in a Challenge Gallery on the SANP Zenfolio website accessible to the public; winners will be displayed on SANP social media, the SANP website, and in the SANP Newsletter.
Equipment Specifications
- Camera: Any handheld type of camera is allowed. (Drones are not allowed.)
- Lens focal length: Only lens focal lengths from 16–300 mm may be used (35mm equivalent focal lengths).
- Filters: Neutral density, polarizing, and closeup filters may be used.
- Flash: No flash.
- Tripod: Any tripod is allowed.
- Cell Phone: Any cell phone is allowed.
- Other: The photographer must get signed model releases from any people recognizable in a photograph.
- Photography Technique Specifications: None
- Processing Technique Specifications: None
Entering Challenge Images for Judging
Entries must be received by midnight, Saturday, May 14, 2022. Participants may submit up to three JPEG digital image files (not over 4 MB each). The Participant’s copyright information and the image metadata must be embedded in the submitted image files.
Send your entries to mcconathy@aronsha.com. Entries received late, too large, or not in the proper file name format will not be judged. If you want your images displayed on Zenfolio but not judged, state that when you submit the images.
Name the digital files in the following format: