SANP Field Event
Sunset with Sandhill Cranes at Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge
Friday, December 31, 2021

Leader: Dale Potter Phone: (865) 773-8114 E-mail:
Meeting place: Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge Observation Deck 545 Priddy Road, Birchwood, Tn
Time: 3:00 pm
Registration available: Beginning today
This is your last chance of 2021 to get some great shots of the sandhill cranes and a sunset at Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge Area. Bring that new camera equipment and try it out. The weather should be great for this outing. As you travel to the area keep your eyes open for the cranes to be in some of the surrouding fields.
Location Description:
The Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge Area has the largest winter gatherings of the sandhill cranes in the southeast. In addition to sandhill cranes you may see some other birds of interest from eagles, herons, whooping cranes, ducks, pelicans, bluebirds, swans, or just the sandhill cranes.
When you put the location in your phone, make sure you see where it is taking you. You want to be on Priddy Road, not across the river. If you are early you may want to check out the boat ramp area and the Cherokee Memorial area.
We will visit the observation platform at Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge Area. There are several areas to visit before the Observation Deck at 3:00 pm.
This is short notice, but due to the weather issues some of the field events will be posted with short notice. Check out the calendar to see if other events are posted with limited notice between now and the end of February.
Learning opportunities:
On this outing we will have the opportunity to practice with birds in flight from a few to several at a time. We will have the opportunity to see the sandhill cranes while they are feeding. Up close and at a distance. A long zoom lens is best for sandhill cranes in flight.
What to bring:
- Your favorite DSLR camera and lens. Extra batteries.
- Bring cold weather gear, hand warmers depending on the weather.
- Tripod can be useful .
- Rain gear for yourself and a rain cover for your camera in case we have rain.
Remember to dress for the weather and in layers if needed. Waterproof foot gear might be useful. Keep your spare camera battery in a warm pocket so you can swap it out for the cold one in the camera as needed.

Driving directions: We will meet at Observation Deck at Hiwassee Wildlife Refuge. 545 Priddy Road, Birchwood, Tn.
Restrooms: None at the Observation Deck but plenty of field options. Bathrooms should be available at the Cherokee Memorial Center.
How to Find Me: Red Jeep Wrangler