SANP Field Event
Potluck Wildflowers & More
Sunday, April 25th, 2021
Leader: Dale Potter Phone: (865)-773-8114 E-mail: dalepotter55@gmail.com
Meeting place: Parking Lot at Townsend Wye
Time: 7:00 am
Registration available: Beginning today
Description: This is an event that you will be taking a chance on what we find. We might hit the jackpot and find some flowers that you may not have had a chance to photograph. We may not find anything worthwhile. We will be looking for wildflowers in the Smokies. I have several ideas but will not have them finalized until the morning we meet. We will be driving and walking. We could be walking from a mile to 6 miles with moderate elevation. If you have been vaccinated and are comfortable carpooling that may be an option.
What is More? That just depends on the direction of the day.

Will we find the above images. Who knows, they are teasers. I thought you all needed some enticement.
Learning opportunities:
- Artistic composition
- Getting adequate depth of field and a good background for a macro subject
- Isolating the subject from the background using a long lens
- Field identification of early spring wildflowers
What to bring:
- Macro lens if you have one
- Close-up accessories such as extension rings, screw on close-up lens and teleconverters
- Medium telephoto lenses
- Polarizing filter
- Reflectors and diffusers
- Tripod
- Cellphone camera is an option.
- Clothing you are ok getting dirty from sitting on the ground.
Rain gear for yourself and a rain cover for your camera in case we have snow or rain.
Bring snacks and water because we may spend most of the morning checking out different places.
Walking required: You need to come prepared to walk anywhere from a couple of miles to about 6 miles depending on what we decide to do when we meet on Sunday morning. The walking will be at a slow pace. The elevation will be moderate. We will not be doing any walking at a hiking pace. We may visit some fields and off trail areas.
COVID-19 precautions: We will practice social distancing and wear masks to mitigate the risk of virus transmission.
Driving directions: The Townsend Wye parking area GSMNP. I will be in a red Jeep Wrangler