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Southern Appalachian Nature Photographers

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  • August 25 Club Meeting

August 25 Club Meeting

  • 08/25/2020
  • 6:45 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Virtual meeting via ZOOM

Steve Zigler, our August speaker, has chosen “Confessions of a Digital Manipulator” as the title of his presentation. Here’s how he describes it:

"Photography has always been a journey for me. Whether it is in the literal form of a trip to a new location, learning a new processing technique, or doing something as simple as printing on a new paper, photography is always a discovery process for me.

One of my most significant photographic journeys began years ago with the question, “why do some images work and others don’t?” Sounds simple enough, but the journey toward an answer has taken me in many unexpected directions and yielded some surprising revelations. I went down more rabbit holes than I can count, but eventually some concepts started to come together that ultimately changed my entire approach to photography. In short, I began to learn to express my personal thoughts and feelings through my images. As a result, I can confidently say that I’m happier with my photography now than ever before. And that’s saying a lot coming from an OCD perfectionist control freak!

Of course, learning is a never-ending process and I’m still at it. However, I’m at a point now where I can share my journey, and I’m looking forward to doing that during my program, which I have entitled “Confessions of a Digital Manipulator.” I believe Ansel would be proud of me. While we’re together, I hope you find some meaningful tidbits that will help you during your personal photographic journeys, regardless of whether you’re a digital manipulator or not!"

Steve's bio is available in the August newsletter.

Contacts:     Jerry Whaley, President       Julie Glibbery, Membership Manager       General Information

Southern Appalachian Nature Photographers is a nature and travel photography club located near the Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee.
Mailing address: 1143 Oak Ridge Turnpike, Ste 107A-231, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Background image copyright Dennis Sabo.    Sitemap    Privacy Policy

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